A Thriller is a genre of film which follows a specific set of characteristics. Locations are often set in dangerous settings, like Detroit. The main protagonist is usually a man who is either familiar to danger or is new to the whole concept. The second is much more relatable by audiences and makes the film appear much more realistic which is what thriller films try to do. The film must have some aspect of danger or suspense to be called a thriller. Often theme of vengeance can be included into the movie - the protagonist could be out for revenge on the antagonist (or vice versa). The storyboard to a thriller film can be filled with plot twists and complex plots to add to the suspenseful nature of the picture. The sequence in which the film carries out can go in any random order. For example, in Memento, there are two separate time lines both linked with each other - one going forwards in black and white colour whilst there is another going backwards in colour.
There are several sub genres of the thriller film:
- Horror - often a mixture of Horror aspects and Action (E.g 28 Days Later)
- Crime - usually centres around the criminal rather than the justice system (E.g Inside man)
- Action - scenes of suspenseful violence are often present (E.g The James Bond Franchise)
- Psychological - the clash between characters is usually an mental rather than physical one (E.g The Sixth Sense)
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